Better aim high and fail rather aim low and win

Jabir Johnson on 25th June 2015
BEFORE I sleep I usually have minutes to think what I have done since morning up to that time. After that I take breath ready to pray before God. I usually feel happy to do so.

I think to live such kind of life brings happiness and shows what will happen the following day.

Most of my fellow mates think to aim high is like to put a sword on the neck simply when I tell them that one day I will work with International radio or television stations forexample Deutsch Welle, BBC, VOA and UN they can’t believe.

And I usually tell them after all I aim to have a Sports Stadium that I will name JAIZMELA, also they don’t understand.

Lately I recognized is better to aim high and to fail rather than aim low and to win, simply when you win while you aimed low shows that you cannot go further.

The main obstacle that prohibit people to aim high is FEAR which lead to lack of confidence.

The photos attached taken on 25th June 2015 at Julius Nyerere International Airport, Dar es Salaam.

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